
Hush hush hush blush blush blush
Hush hush hush blush blush blush

hush hush hush blush blush blush

Not as if a homunculus could love, though.

hush hush hush blush blush blush

Albedo truly, if not for a better word, loved his boyfriends. What a funny relationship, a prince and his two knights. The alchemist in question was (unsurprisingly, if you don't mind me saying) thinking of their knight in shining armor. While Kaeya was taking this hike, Albedo was on a ledge a few yards from his camp, just up the hill. So Kaeya ventured deeper, with nothing but a pack of food, a box of matches, a warming bottle, and the immense desire for a kiss. However, the 7-mile journey up the mountain would not be fun. For now, he was dead set on reaching Albedo. The poor traveler would have to deal with healing up Kaeya later, but that was a problem for later. A long journey was nothing for Kaeya, but the problem with Albedo's camp was that it was at the top of the mountain. They were merely searching for the love of their life in Dragonspine to take them home. Kaeya has never been lost and never will. Kaeya had not gotten lost if you think that you are WRONG so WRONG Kaeya does not get lost. Thats how they ended up in the freezing cold of Dragonspine, searching for Albedo's camp. Albedo and Childe had been away for too long and Kaeya was done. No voice in the back of his head saying "Don't run to Dragonspine in the middle of the night!", and so he was doing it. The thing with Kaeya, when he was alone, he had no impulse control.

Hush hush hush blush blush blush